Sunday, October 27, 2013

I can’t even remember the last time I prayed

Feels like it was when I was just a little girl

I used to pray for God to take my nightmares away

I begged him to give me answers to my math problem

And now…

I am just scared:

“How do I pray?”

“Where do I pray?”

I wonder if I had to apologize for all these years I haven’t said a thing to him above?

I feel fragile

I kneel

Put my arms close together

And there comes nothing…

But I feel peace.


God understands our prayers even when we can’t find the words to say them.

My bucket list: (to be continued…)

*Be woken up with a kiss

*Go to a drive-in movie

*Slow dance in the rain

*Travel all over the world

*Have a food fight

*Write a book

*Pay for strangers groceries

*Be a bridesmaid

*Go on a trip with love of my life

*Live by the beach

*Learn how to surf

Sunday, October 20, 2013


The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
The measure of your success is in direct proportion to the obstacles you're willing to overcome. Be brave!
Good things come to those who Believe, Better things come to those who are Patient and the best things come to those who Don't give up!
Be the reason someone smiles today!
Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so be kind!

Why why why?

Would you dare to hold someone’s hand randomly at the mall?

Would you shout “I love you” to your lover in the middle of a huge crowd?

Would you sit by that “weird” kid in lunch room, just because he looked lonely?

No of course not!

We are too concerned about what others think?

But why?

Why are we so worried about other people’s thoughts instead of their feelings?

Why are we ashamed of being ourselves in front of our friends but not strangers?

Why is keeping good friends so complicated?

Why is trust so hard to find?

Why why why?

I can repeatedly ask this on my blog, but why am I so ashamed of asking all this in your face?

I don’t even know!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I love you more than...

I love you more than crispy bacon

I love you more than high heel shoes

I love you more than extra sleep on weekends

I love you more than summer shopping

I love you more than my morning coffee

I love you more than peanut butter jelly

I love you more than summer ice cream

I love you more than “koi” sushi

I love you more than birthday cake

I love you more than pumpkin pie

I love you more than melted chocolate

I love you more than the city Paris

I love you more than lazy Sunday mornings

I love you more than double stuffed oreos

I wouldn’t trade you for any cookies in the world

I love you more than life itself

I love you beyond measure!

Whatever heart might say someday (7)

His heart told him he was too weak, it said he lived too long now time to go

It argued, it gave him pain

Creating tears in his eyes.

He was alone now you know?

He had nothing and nobody to live for.

Everybody who knew him struggled being around him.

His heart told him over and over many times he was worthless.

His life was painful

He started believing everything everyone else told him.

He sat alone, he completely closed up

The kids ignored him because he was “different”.

He grew up not knowing what to be.

Drugs became his one and only escape.

His heart was weak now; he did not care for it enough.

He hated what he was.

His heart stopped beating.

His life was gone forever.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Quoting (post 2)

My favorite writing(not my work)


I have always feared death, soon enough I realized dying wasn’t an option.

Sooner or later everyone dies, either a physical death or emotional.

I was scarred, it’s not the same anymore since that scary old man named Death took you by surprise.

You left so fast.

The coffin closed, goodbye my dear.

You were the only one that mattered.

I could have never thought you would be taken away so quickly.

I was lost, feeling lonely.

They said this life was just the beginning.

Over and over they repeatedly told me I will get to see your face again.

I couldn’t believe it.

I hope there is life after death; I wish to see you someday, not yet.

After you left I was a mess.

In a way I was dead, I had no emotions, no feelings left in my body.

Numbness overpowered me, I was dead but no one knew it.

I see now how hard it is to be living and how easy it is to die.

I wonder what would you do with your life if you had one more chance?!

Someday I better see you! You hear me now?

I will forever pray and keep you by my side!