I used to think a lot
And then…
You came around, and everything fell apart
I still think
But instead of having math problems on my mind
Or thinking what plans to make for the next weekend
Or even daydreaming about all the love stories, and hoping I
was part of one
My favorite daydream is now you
All I can think about is you.
I am thinking about you like writers think about writing
I am thinking about you like guns think about firing
Bullets… and pain
I am thinking about
you like sun thinks about shining
It thinks about hiding… shame
I am thinking about you like pants think about fitting, they
think about sitting…
…And…they think about kneeling
I am thinking about you like rappers think about rapping and
dancers think about stepping.
I am thinking about you like girls think about making love
And boys… boys think about sex.
I am thinking about you a lot!
I tried to stop thinking about you but instead i fail
I will keep thinking.
Thinking about you
Until someone else comes around
And then I will FORGET.